
Every Word – She Didn’t Avoid Him

All sinners need to know…

“And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil.”
– Luke 7:37 NKJV

Look at this amazing verse and let it encourage 
you Luke 7:37 it’s speaking about a woman that  

the bible writer says straight out is a sinner we 
think this is Mary Magdalene and behold a woman  

in the city who was a sinner when she knew that 
Jesus sat at the table in the pharisees house  

brought an alabaster flask of fragrant 
oil so doctor Luke doesn’t beat around  

the bush she’s a sinner so notice 
she knew where Jesus was and she went  

to him she didn’t avoid him she didn’t say he 
doesn’t want to be bothered by someone like me  

no she went right to him she understood that if 
she was going to find mercy and grace she needed  

to be in the presence of Jesus and that’s true for 
you and me don’t stay away from Jesus all sinners  

need to know that they can come to Jesus just 
as they are i’m John Bradshaw for It Is Written

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