
Every Word – Stuck Up Her Nose!

Old secrets come to light.

“Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”
– Psalm 119:11 NKJV

Let me ask you this, is there anyone from 
your past that you would not want to see  

because of something you did or said that 
affected that person somewhere way back then  

here’s a similar question are there things that 
you’ve done somewhere in the distant past that  

are now buried that you hope stay buried a woman 
in New Zealand started experiencing pain in her  

nose after having a covered swab test the pain 
got so bad that she went to the emergency room  

at a hospital where it was discovered that she had 
a plastic disc lodged in her nose 37 years before  

when she was eight years old she was playing 
tiddlywinks when she put one of those little  

discs up each nostril but she only got one out 
then she sort of forgot about it until she could  

forget no more one exceedingly good reason to make 
positive decisions in life is that sooner or later  

poor decisions will come back to haunt you it 
might have been fun to bully the skinny kid in  

school but things can get a little awkward at the 
school reunion years later DNA tests are revealing  

that dad isn’t always dead and old secrets come 
to light and feelings are hurt social media posts  

from years ago can upend lives and even ruin 
careers it’s better not to make those mistakes  

in the first place Psalm 119 verse 11 says your 
word i have hidden in my heart that i might not  

sin against you hide god’s word in your heart 
and you’ll find that God can keep you from saying  

or doing the things that you’ll later regret 
commit and then recommit your life to god and  

ask that he lives his life in you and keeps you 
in the right way God will do that we’ve all got  

those skeletons in our closet there may be times 
that they appear and embarrass us or do some harm  

better to keep the skeletons out of there in the 
first place I’m John Bradshaw for It Is Written

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