Every Word – The Young Man Gave His Life
Many more may have died.
“Who gave Himself a ransom for all…”
– 1 Timothy 2:6 (NKJV)
Many more may have died.
“Who gave Himself a ransom for all…”
– 1 Timothy 2:6 (NKJV)
Pretty serious, isn’t it? “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was hungry and you gave me no food; I was thirsty and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger and…
You have ample evidence. “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” – John 4:48 RSV
[Ezra 7:10] Ezra … prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it.
They could change the world. “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” – Matthew 5:38-39 NKJV Want to get a…
Gone, just like that… “Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” – 1 Timothy 6:17 (NKJV)
Things work best when people take initiative. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV
Pretty serious, isn’t it? “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was hungry and you gave me no food; I was thirsty and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger and…
You have ample evidence. “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” – John 4:48 RSV
[Ezra 7:10] Ezra … prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it.
They could change the world. “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” – Matthew 5:38-39 NKJV Want to get a…
Gone, just like that… “Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” – 1 Timothy 6:17 (NKJV)
Things work best when people take initiative. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV
Pretty serious, isn’t it? “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was hungry and you gave me no food; I was thirsty and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger and…
You have ample evidence. “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” – John 4:48 RSV
[Ezra 7:10] Ezra … prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it.
They could change the world. “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” – Matthew 5:38-39 NKJV Want to get a…
Gone, just like that… “Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” – 1 Timothy 6:17 (NKJV)
Things work best when people take initiative. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV