
1964 Mercury Comet

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” [Psalm 20:7]

Most people would consider themselves fortunate should they get 150,000 miles out of a car engine. For Rachel Veitch, however, her car has passed the 150,000 mile mark well over three times. Her vehicle is a 1964 Mercury Comet Caliente. She bought it new off the lot for a mere $3,289. And that low price even included all the upgrades. Rachel has given her beloved car the nickname Chariot, which is fitting considering it has safely carried her thousands and thousands of miles on the original engine. Ms. Veitch confessed that she once drove her Comet up to 120 mph “just for a mile.” She later had cruise control added because she kept getting speeding tickets.

On March 9, 2012, the 93-year-old Rachel Veitch parked her car for good. She said her eyesight was not sharp enough anymore to be driving. The 48-year-old car has actually outlasted her three husbands. Rachel adds, “With significantly less trouble.” How many miles did she clock on her beloved Mercury? Would you believe 576,000?

What’s her secret? For one thing, Rachel faithfully takes her “Chariot” in for all scheduled maintenance. We should mention she refuses to leave the Mercury’s side during any servicing or inspections. She also makes sure to show the mechanics a diagram outlining all the grease fittings on the car. Ms. Veitch is also always on the lookout for lifetime warranties on any parts, and when she finds one she makes sure to use it. Rachel’s car has gone through seven mufflers, three sets of shocks, and 16 batteries, all for the price of only one. Those half a million miles also included a recent trip to Rachel’s 70th class reunion, a trip that added over 3,000 miles to the historic odometer reading.

If a little loving care and regular maintenance can multiply the lifespan of a car, it makes one wonder how long our bodies might last with proper care? The Lord not only wants us to be in good health (3.John 2), but would have us be prepared for the Second Coming by caring for our bodies. “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1.Thessalonians 5:23). God doesn’t want us to only care for our minds, but our whole being – bumper to bumper!

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