Eat for Strength

“Blessed are you, O land, when your king is the son of nobles, and your princes feast at the proper time – for strength and not for drunkenness!” [Ecclesiastes 10:16,17]
Wolverines are found in isolated forests and mountains from Alaska to Siberia. Stocky and muscular with glossy brown hair and dull yellow stripes along its sides, the adult wolverine is about the size of a medium dog and looks like a cross between a small bear and a skunk. It has been known to give off a very strong, unpleasant odor, giving rise to the nicknames “skunk bear” and “nasty cat.” Despite its name, the wolverine is not related to the wolf, but rather the weasel.
The wolverine can run up to 30 mph, climb trees, and swim. The wolverine is also remarkably strong for its modest size and, pound for pound, is considered one of the most ferocious mammals. It has been known to kill prey as large as elk and even moose. In addition, it can keep cougars, grizzlies, and wolves away from its kills. In spite of its ferocity, it is known to be very shy and is rarely seen.
The Latin name for the wolverine is Gulo and means “glutton.” The wolverine lives up to its name. It will eat about anything it can find or kill. In addition to hunting, it will often find carrion left by other predators, and sometimes it even steals the catch of another predator. After gorging on pounds of meat, it will bury its leftovers. Then it further protects its hoard by spraying it with a stinky musk to keep other animals away. In their endless search for food, males may cover more than 240 square miles, traveling 40 miles a day to satisfy their voracious appetites. It would be safe to say the wolverine lives to eat.
There are also many humans who struggle with the same tendency! Some find it surprising that God cares about something as basic as our eating habits, but the Bible has much to say on the topic. Solomon warns that “the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty,” while Paul exhorts us to eat and drink “to the glory of God” (Proverbs 23:21; 1.Corinthians 10:31). We would all be much healthier if we followed the wise king’s suggestion to eat for strength and not for gluttony!