Every Drop

“Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life.” [Romans 5:18,19]
The vanilla bean is the fruit of a unique species of fragrant orchid that is native to the rainforests of Mexico and Central America. Indigenous natives discovered that when the tasteless and odorless vanilla bean is dried by months of tropical heat and humidity, it produced a rich taste and aroma. Vanilla is the only orchid known to bear edible fruit.
Since the vanilla orchid only flowers for one day each year, it must be pollinated by hand. Then the vanilla bean takes approximately six months to mature, growing up to eight inches long. The beans must also be harvested by hand, just as the tip of the pod begins to split but before the entire pod splits. Next, harvested beans are immersed in a hot water bath, then put into wooden boxes and covered with blankets, where they will “sweat” for 24 to 72 hours. This begins the enzymatic change that produces vanillin. Afterward, the beans are placed on blankets and dried in the sun for three to four weeks. To complete the curing process, the beans are then stored in closed boxes for five or six months. The cured beans, now wrinkled and chocolate colored, are graded by length, appearance, and moisture content. The longest beans with the least splitting and blemishes bring the highest price. To make vanilla extract, the beans are tied in bundles, weighed, chopped, and percolated in large stainless steel containers, much like coffee percolators. After being aged for several weeks, the extract is bottled and shipped to stores. You can understand why vanilla is one of the most expensive flavorings in the world to produce!
Today vanilla beans are grown primarily in Madagascar and Indonesia. The precious extract is by far the world’s most popular flavor and is used in ice cream, puddings, cakes, chocolates, baked goods, syrups, candies, liqueurs, tobacco, soft drinks, and even perfumes.
Salvation is the most expensive commodity in the universe, provided for by the “precious blood of Christ” (1.Peter 1:19). But, by the grace of God, it is free for the asking! Let’s not waste a single drop.