
“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God.” [1.Timothy 6:17]
It’s really a game of chance. Gambling is impacting more and more people all over the world. And it’s winning at the expense of other people. It is addictive. It creates false hopes. And it violates principles of Christian stewardship. Families break down because of gambling, and society at large loses. It doesn’t really generate income; it takes away income and gives it to a few winners who don’t really need it.
In 1998, people in the U.S. lost $60 billion in legal gambling. This amount has increased every year for over two decades – often at double digit rates. And there is no end in sight. The most amazing fact about gambling in America is that over the past 25 years the United States has been transformed from a nation in which legalized gambling was rare and limited, into one in which such activity is common and growing.
Today, all but two states have some form of legalized gambling. Lotteries have been established in 37 states (including the District of Columbia), with more states poised to follow. Indian casinos operate in every region of the country. From cruise ships to riverboats to western mining towns, gambling sites continue to proliferate. Internet and telephone gambling is legalized in more states, so an increasingly large share of the public can now place a bet without ever leaving home. Universally available, “round-the-clock” gambling may soon be a reality.
In Australia, the state of New South Wales has more than 10 percent of the poker machines in the whole world. It is not uncommon to see housewives playing the slot machine while shelling peas after their midmorning shopping. Many problem gamblers have separated or divorced while others have committed suicide after losing heavily on the poker machine. The problem is that gambling now accounts for up to 10 percent of the income of many states. And who wants to kill the goose that lays golden eggs?
If you really want to “win big,” don’t gamble. Christians don’t put their hope in money. Our hope is in the soon coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Make a sure choice with absolute results every time – choose to follow Christ. The payout is something you don’t need to make a bet on.