
“No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” [Isaiah 54:17]
Electronic metal detectors stationed at airports and government buildings which check for concealed weapons are not exactly new. Centuries ago one of the royal palaces in Chang-an, the ancient Chinese capital now known as Sian, had gates made of lodestone. Now lodestone is a powerful natural magnet also known as magnetite, which is a crystallized iron mineral with a black metallic luster. There are different theories on how lodestone becomes magnetized. One idea is that the strong magnetic fields surrounding lightning bolts change magnetite since lodestones are mostly found at the surface of our planet and are not buried deep in the earth.
Who discovered the magnetic properties of lodestone? The Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus makes a reference to lodestone in the 6th century. However, the American astronomer John Carlson found an artifact in Central America that indicates that the Olmec people may have used geomagnetic lodestone in compasses earlier than 1,000 B.C. The earliest Chinese literary reference to lodestone is found in the 4th century B.C. in a book called Book of the Devil Valley Master – not a work I’m interested in reading!
Why were the gates of the Chang-an royal palaces made of lodestone? If a would-be assassin came through these palace gates with a concealed dagger, the lodestone would pull at the hidden iron weapon like an invisible hand. Then the startled criminal would instinctively reach for the weapon. There were trained guards stationed by the magic gate who were carefully watching every movement, who would then spring forward and search the suspect. Because the superstitious people believed the ruler had special powers to read their hearts, few ever entertained thoughts of murder.
The Bible describes the gates of heaven (the New Jerusalem) to be very special. There are 12 gates, each made with a single pearl (Revelation 21:21). These gates will never be shut since there is no night in heaven (v. 25). But more than that, nothing will enter those gates that will put heaven at risk. “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life” (v. 27). God has created His own security detector system to keep the entire Universe safe. And the Lord doesn’t need lodestone to help!