
Mustard Seed Faith

Akil Mazumder at Pexels

“So Jesus said to them, ‘…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you’.” [Matthew 17:20]

Would you like to know some fascinating facts about seeds? Did you know a turnip seed, under the right conditions, can increase its weight 15 times a minute? And in rich soil, after sprouting, turnip seeds may increase their weight up to 15,000 times a day. Some seeds are viable for hundreds years. For example, seeds of the Oriental lotus have been known to germinate 3,000 years after dispersal.

The world’s largest seeds resemble giant coconuts, and for centuries were thought to come from the sea because they often washed up on the shores around the Indian Ocean. Consequently, those who found them called them sea coconuts. But in the 18th century it was discovered that the seeds came from tall nut palms that grew only on the Seychelles Islands. For years, Eastern kings and Asian potentates eagerly sought the seeds, which weigh upwards of 40 pounds, thinking that they could be used as antidotes to poison.

Amazingly enough there are few forces more powerful than a growing squash seed. In one experiment, a squash 18 days old was harnessed on a lever in such a way that in its growing process it lifted 50 pounds! Nineteen days later it raised 5,000 pounds!

Seeds are incredible in their abilities. Perhaps this is why Jesus said if you have “faith as a mustard seed,” you can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). What is this seed of faith that can move mountains? The human race – from the days of our first parents to the present time – is full of unbelief. Even to His own disciples Jesus said, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). It seems that it’s much easier for us to doubt than to believe, but we need to believe in order to be saved.

So how do we get faith? The book of Acts speaks of the faith that comes through Jesus (Acts 3:16), and Paul tells us “it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Only God can give us the faith we need to believe in Him and trust His promises. Won’t you ask Him for that faith right now?

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