Sharp Defense

“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” [Ephesians 6:17]
Wood rats are nocturnal rodents that are native throughout North America. These social creatures eat seeds, fruits, roots, and vegetation, with a few bugs thrown in for added protein. They can grow up to 20 inches long, including their tail. Wood rats are also called pack rats because they have a curious habit of collecting an assortment of manmade material for their nests. They are especially fond of confiscating small, bright, shiny objects like tin, colored glass, shells, coins, and stones. Wood rats are also sometimes called trade rats because of the popular myth that when it takes something, it always leaves a replacement. In fact, what’s really happening is that, while carrying one prize, the pack rat may spot another trophy that is more attractive, and so drops the first object to pick up the second.
Pack rats build large nests on rock ledges, in woods, and in fields. The bulky nests are generally made of sticks, twigs, and leaves and may be as much as four feet high. But these big nests make it nearly impossible for the wood rats that live in the open deserts to hide their homes from their enemies. As it turns out, God has given pack rats the wisdom to use the natural resources of the desert to overcome this problem. The pack rat covers its conspicuous nest with cactus plants; then, for additional protection, it places pieces of cactus spines all around the entrance to the nest. Amazingly, the little wood rat can scramble easily over and around the long, sharp spines of the cactus without being hurt. It is one of the few animals that can navigate safely between the thorns to feed on the juicy pads. But the coyote that tries to dig a wood rat out of its nest will be very sorry! The pack rat has prepared in advance and has little to fear from the wily coyote. His home is so well protected that it is almost as though it’s a fortress defended by an army with drawn swords.
And just as God protects the wood rat in its desert home, we can be protected from the temptations of the enemy by collecting treasures of truth and surrounding ourselves with “the sword of the Spirit”! God’s Word is our security.