Microscope Laboratory Diagnosis  - Herney / Pixabay

The Source of Life

Microscope Laboratory Diagnosis  - Herney / Pixabay
Herney / Pixabay

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live’.” [John 11:25]

Evidence continues to mount that the mystery of life can only be explained by intelligent miraculous intervention. In the mid-1800s, when Charles Darwin wrote his theory of evolution, many scientists believed in something called “spontaneous generation.” This is the belief that living things, like maggots, can spontaneously arise from non-living material. Many people believed this because they had observed worms and flies apparently springing forth from lifeless material like decaying meat or fruit.

In 1859, the great scientist Louis Pasteur proved the absurdity of spontaneous generation. He demonstrated when the decaying material was insulated from flies and insects, no larva ever appeared. Now more than ever, modern science confirms that life is extremely complex and can only arise from pre-existing life. This is why the best efforts of evolution scientists have not been able to produce a single cell of life even in the controlled environments of expensive high-tech laboratories.

Now with the marvels of 21st-century microscopes, scientists understand that even the simplest and smallest organism is, in effect, a virtual factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, far more complicated than the International Space Station. In fact, each microscopic cell is as functionally complex as a small city at rush hour! Now as we delve deeper into the cellular world, science reveals a virtual Lilliputian world of enormous complexity that has pushed the theory of evolution to a breaking point. It is likely that if Charles Darwin was alive today and could see a single cell magnified 50,000 times through electron micrographs, he would utterly renounce his theory as foolishness.

Because it is increasingly obvious there is no scientific explanation for the origin of life on Earth, evolutionists are now playing the alien card. In other words, they are saying life was introduced on our planet by a comet or meteor or by some alien visitors. Of course that creates an outof-this-world argument that makes it virtually impossible to disprove their fantasy.

In spite of the staggering mountain of evidence that only a miracle could produce life, the modern world refuses to accept the Bible account of Jesus’ resurrection. But not only did Jesus have a resurrection, He is the Resurrection! Jesus is the Author of life, the Source of life both now and eternally.

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