
Blessed Are The Peacemakers: Leo Tolstoy

This program is part of a series on the Beatitudes of Jesus. In this episode, we will look at what He meant when he taught, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” This teaching will be illustrated with Leo Tolstoy’s life, and the programme will explore the meaning of peace. In the Bible, “peace” is an active word. It refers not to the absence of conflict but to the existence of satisfying relationships that bring happiness and well-being. To experience peace, we are called to take active steps to have the right relationship within ourselves, experience the right relationships with others, and, most importantly, be in a right relationship with God.

=== CHAPTERS ===
00:00 Intro – The Crimean War
02:58 The Beatitudes: Blessed are the peacemakers
05:27 Who is Leo Tolstoy?
07:59 Tolstoy joins his brother in the army
09:43 Tolstoy begins writing during the war
11:41 Tolstoy travel around Europe
12:13 Tolstoy made a difference to the community
14:10 Tolstoy and His life after studying Bible
20:24 What is true peace?
27:10 Closing Prayer

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