Chernobyl – Lethal Legacy

Chernobyl – Lethal Legacy

The nuclear explosion at Chernobyl on the 26th April, 1986, was the worst man-made disaster in history. 50 tonnes of radiation were released into the atmosphere. It contaminated millions of acres of forests and farmlands causing death and destruction. The disaster provides insights into the devastating effects of sin. It also provides insights into sin’s…

Gen Y and Z – Born to be Digital

Gen Y and Z – Born to be Digital

It seems to be the culture of the day to spend most of your home-time on a screen! However, numerous research studies are revealing that there may be a sinister side to technology. We are spending as many as 5 hours a day on social media, texting, video chatting, viewing content, and playing multi-platform video…

Gold Medal Hero: Jesse Owens
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Gold Medal Hero: Jesse Owens

The Olympics! It’s one of the world’s biggest events, drawing scores of nations together, focusing billions of eyes on exceptional athletes. Entire nations find themselves caught up in the drama of victory and defeat. That’s when Jesse Owens shined. Watch our new program, “Gold Medal Hero: Jesse Owens” and discover how God can turn unfavourable…

Plane Crash Survivor

Plane Crash Survivor

Imagine being adrift in shark-infested waters, far from land and late at night. Totally lost, exhausted, and afraid – you have almost no chance of survival. An utterly terrifying situation. A number of years ago, that was the fate of Neil Watts. Watch our new program, “Plane Crash Survivor”, and discover how God answers prayers…

Opals: Fire in the Desert

Opals: Fire in the Desert

An interesting true story of “Iron Man” Jim Shaw, who pushed a loaded wheelbarrow across the Australian desert and became a legend. He took the risk and the sacrifice for the sake of wealth. In contrast, God offers us the greatest treasure of all, as a free gift, at no cost. Watch our new program,…

Dr Graeme Clark – Sound from Silence
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Dr Graeme Clark – Sound from Silence

Dr. Graeme Clark and his team are responsible for restoring hearing to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. This ground-breaking, life-changing technology was made possible through the leadership of this amazing man who constantly took time to step away from his work and allow God to lead and guide him. Website: Facebook: *episode*

The Red Centre

The Red Centre

Australia is blue around its edges and red in its center. The coasts are densely populated but the center has a treasure trove of beauty and wonder to offer. This week we will explore the fascinating treasures of this barren heartland. Will look at the scorching red plains of Australia’s desert heartland and a message…

The Soldier’s Uniform – Full Episode

The Soldier’s Uniform – Full Episode

One of the little-known stories of heroism and courage to emerge from the Second World War is that of Zoltan Kubinyi, a committed Seventh-day Adventist Christian. In the dying days of World War Two, the order was given to exterminate the remaining Jews in Hungary. Kubinyi, an officer in the Nazi-allied Hungarian army defied those…

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