
What Happened in Nagasaki on That Fateful Day in 1945?

At 11:02 a.m. on 9 August 1945, an explosion in Nagasaki, Japan, changed the lives of the people here and the world. But it wasn’t meant to be. The bombs were meant for the original target, Kokura, a military and chemical weapons factory city about 160kms or 100miles away. In a split second, the beautiful harbour city of Nagasaki was reduced to rubble and ash. So, what happened? Why Nagasaki?

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*The Incredible Journey* is a donor-funded ministry passionate about communicating our bold vision of sharing the good news of Christ and preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus. We are devoted to giving Biblical answers to life’s questions through television, the Internet, social media, Bible Centre, evangelistic ministry and Christian living and faith-sharing resources.

👨🏼‍🎓 *About our Speaker* 👨🏼‍🎓
Gary Kent is the speaker for *The Incredible Journey* media ministry. He holds a B.A. in Theology, M.A. in Ancient History & Archaeology, and M. in Divinity. He is an archaeologist who has excavated numerous sites throughout Israel and Jordan. As an internationally-acclaimed speaker and TV presenter, he has spoken and produced numerous documentaries on subjects including the Bible, Bible prophecy, world events and natural health. His passion is to share the good news of Jesus’ imminent return.

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0:00 Into
1:57 Takashi Nagai
3:16 Blaise Pascal – Pascal Wager
4:33 Christianity in Japan
7:15 Japan and WW2
10:09 Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project
10:47 Hiroshima, Kokura and Nagasaki
12:40 Atomic Bomb (Little Boy) and Hiroshima
14:03 Atomic Bomb (Fat Man) and Nagasaki
15:29 Horror at Nagasaki
16:29 Takashi Nagai
27:00 Free Offer
25:31 Prayer

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#Nagasaki #atomicbomb #japan #documentary #WW2

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